Another Disney magical movie “Encanto”, tells the tale of an extraordinary family, the Madrigals. Dolores is one of the characters that had unique persona, she was gifted with enhanced hearing. Dolores is a supporting character, she’s Mirabel’s cousin who’s usually the first to know the town’s biggest secrets, most compelling drama, and juiciest revelations.

Dolores has been a very popular character for cosplay and Halloween looks and we have the perfect colored contacts just for Dolores! Try our Geo Bella Brown or Super Brown (choco) to get those stunning Dolores eyes!

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Geo Princess Mimi Chocolate Brown (Bambi series)Geo Princess Mimi Chocolate Brown (Bambi series)
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Geo Princess Mimi Chocolate Brown Contacts [yearly]
$25.90 USD

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Super Brown (Choco)Super Brown (Choco)
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Super Brown (Choco) [yearly]
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