Princess Pinky Twilight Reborn
So Vibrant, it appear like glowing!
There’re many Twilight contacts, none are this vibrant and comfortable at the same time.
It doesn’t glows actually, but it has a ‘Glowing illusion effect.’ The color is so vibrant, it created an illusion that it’s glowing and emitting some lights, that’s why it’s the most vibrant twilight contacts ever produced!
Suddenly, your iris is highlighted with the fancy color of your choice.
Besides, your eyes get brighten up instantaneously, the first thing people see, definitely are your eyes, even in your selfies!
Of course, cosplay with any character that you like, this is a very flexible Twilight contacts, it’s wild and it’s the catchiest thing that you can have. Don't limit yourself with cosplaying, you can simply wear it and be in the spotlight!
Princess Pinky Twilight Reborn, your eyes ‘does’ speak!