Sakura Haruno is a fictional character in the NRT manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto. With beautiful, green eyes, we have the best green colored contacts for you to complete your Sakura Haruno cosplay! From natural green eyes, such as the Princess Pinky Frosty Green to a more anime look with the EOS Dolly Green lenses. Take your pick and choose the best colored contacts to suit your new cosplay! PinkyParadise also has colored contacts available in prescription so you don't have to worry!

Check out other NRT Cosplay Contacts:

NRT ContactsItachi Uchiha ContactsTsunade ContactsSasuke Uchiha ContactsHinata Hyuga ContactsGaara ContactsKakashi Hatake ContactsSakura Haruno Contacts

Browse for more Colored Contacts | Circle Lenses | Cosplay Contacts | Non Prescription Colored Contacts

Also check out our popular categories: Prescription Halloween Contacts | Sclera Contacts | Colored Contacts for Astigmatism | Korean Contact Lenses | Colored Contacts for Dark Eyes | Eye Enlarging Contacts

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Princess Pinky Frosty GreenPrincess Pinky Frosty Green
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Princess Pinky Frosty Green [monthly]
$12.90 USD
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G&G Max Pure GreenG&G Max Pure Green
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G&G Max Pure Green [yearly]
$26.90 USD

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