6 Bad Habits That Are Harmful to Your Eyes
Taking care of the most important parts of your body — your eyes should always be a priority, especially if you wear contact lenses! However, many people develop bad habits that might harm their eye health without them even being aware of it. In this blog, we’ll tell you why you should break these bad habits that could be putting your eyes at risk!
1. Handling Lenses Without Washing Hands
We know it might seem like a small step, but not washing your hands before handling your contact lenses can introduce oils, bacteria, and debris into your eyes. This may lead to irritation, eye infections or even serious conditions like keratitis. So, remember to always wash and dry your hands completely before touching your lenses to keep your eyes safe!
2. Putting Contacts on After Applying Makeup
Apply makeup before putting your lenses in? Particles of mascara, eyeliner, and powder can get trapped on your contacts, increasing the risk of infection and irritation. That’s why it’s always important to put your lenses in before applying makeup to make sure they are clean and free from cosmetic buildup.
3. Reviving a Dried-Out Contact Lens
Have you ever attempted to rehydrate a dried out lens? STOP! Because a dried out contact lens may have become brittle and lost its shape, making it damaged and unsafe to wear. Trying to use it again can cause scratches on your cornea and discomfort. Always use new lenses if your old one dried out and never try to revive a dry one!
4. Sleeping With Contacts In
Do you know sleeping in your contact lenses can decrease oxygen flow to your eyes, increasing the risk of infections and causing dryness and discomfort?. Always take out your contacts before going to bed to give your eyes the rest they need unless you're wearing lenses made especially for overnight wear.
5. Soaking Contact Lenses with Tap Water
DON’T ever soak your contact lenses tap water! Bacteria and germs found in tap water can stick to your lenses and result in severe eye infections, including Acanthamoeba keratitis, a vision-threatening condition that’s very painful on your eyes. Always use fresh multipurpose solution to clean and store your lenses and never ever use tap water!
6. Wearing Contact Lenses in the Shower
Just like tap water, shower water is NOT sterile! You run the risk of getting infections if you use contacts in the shower because they expose your eyes to dangerous microorganisms. It can be uncomfortable and potentially create problems if water becomes trapped between your lens and your eye. Hence, it’s always important to remove your lenses before showering.
Break These Bad Habits That Are Harmful to Your Eyes Today!
You should take the finest care of your eyes and breaking these bad habits will help keep them healthy and comfortable! Always follow proper lens hygiene, use fresh multipurpose solution and give your eyes the love they deserve because after all, your vision is priceless!